Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Aliens Need A Good Home For Easter

We still have sooooo many babies aliens who have the hope of a forever family in time for Easter. Everyone wants a family especially around the holidays. Make an aliens dream come true and take one home today! Check out these two and all their friends at http://www.adoptanalien.etsy.com/

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Aliens in Mrytle Beach

So as many of you know, I'm on vacation in Mrytle Beach, but the Adopt an Alien Agency can't take a break because what would become of all those lost baby aliens? So of course I will still be listing baby aliens while I'm away. I've brought some supplies with me, so while I'm here, I'm still able to handmake beautiful baby aliens. Keep checking back. They all need homes so get yours today. Check out http://www.adoptanalien.net/

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Today We Hit 100 Alien Adoptions

Today we at the Adopt an Alien Agency have hit a milestone. Today we have completed our 100th alien adoption. HORRAY!!!!! Now on the horizon 200, 300, even 1000... but we need your help! Find it in your heart to bring home one of these beautiful, handmade, alien toys and you'll be forever happy you did. Check out www.adoptanalien.etsy.com and adopt your own today!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Reason for the Rise in Price

Hi there all my loyal Adopt an Alien followers, just popping in to say a few words about a change that is coming to my shop. I am forced to raise my prices slightly and this will be taking place as I add aliens daily. This is not a decision I came upon lightly. Unfortunately the only major place to buy fabric in my area has closed down. Now I am forced to drive over an hour away to have any type of fabric variety to a place where the prices are close to double what I was paying at the old store. Also I put two to three hours of work into just one alien and many of my customers have said I should raise my prices. I am very much hoping that this will not affect my sales but I have to do what I have to do, I guess. Let me know what you think.
Oh, and snap up those aliens at there older prices while they last. Something tells me that they’ll go quickly. Check them out at www.adoptanalien.etsy.com

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Cyclops Aliens Have Invaded

Cyclops aliens have invaded Today! You could adopt a one-eyed wonder of your very own. Just know, each one is handmade, one of a kind, and completely irresistable. Some of my alien toys start as low as $12.00 and alien keychains are also available for $10.00. Check out www.adoptanalien.etsy.com